
MoMo Tokyo – 26 April – NextGen Mobile to Market

2010-04-26(月)18:30 - 22:00 JST



2,000円 会場払い




As everyone gets sorted and settled for the upcoming business year, taking a few precious moments to enjoy the Sakura, of course, it’s time once again to bring the family together. On 26 April MoMo Tokyo will go for a good dig into what it takes to bring next-generation mobile content and service offerings to market. Your humble organizers have nailed a Super Venue and look forward to welcoming two seasoned players, see bio. details below, to address our community. Please note, attendance will limited to about 100 pre-registered guests. Advance Reservation – Online Here – Required

Takahito Iguchi – Founder & CEO – Tonchidot
Founded Tonchidot Corp. in August 2008 to develop Sekai Camera service. A creator and evangelist of several innovative multimedia platforms and web services at various companies including JUST Systems, Scitron & Art, and start-up Digitao, for which he was founder/CEO. He has over 20 years experience in providing art, music, game, anime, publishing and other consumer oriented software and services using cutting-edge technology. BA Philosophy Ritsumeikan Univ, Kyoto, Japan.

Osuke Honda – Principal – DCM
As a Principal, Osuke Honda brings a powerful combination of strategic and venture investments, business planning and development, as well as operational experience to his role in identifying new investment opportunities and helping build global companies. Prior to joining DCM, Osuke was a Principal and management committee member at Globis Capital Partners, formerly Apax Globis Partners, a pre-eminent venture capital firm in Japan. He led investments in consumer internet, digital media and IT services sectors. Previously, Osuke held multiple positions at Mitsubishi Corporation, the largest trading house in the world. Here he led various initiatives which involved operations management in the automotive sector as well as business planning and new business development for the CEO Office, Machinery Group. He established strategic alliances and joint ventures with partners across the globe and executed both strategic and venture investments.

Admission: 2,000 JPY :: Includes Beverages
Date: Monday, 26 April 2010 :: 18:30 – 22:00
Language: Presentations in English and Japanese
Venue: KDDI Web Communications

4月に入り、新年度を迎え、新たな決意を胸にスタートを切った方も多いと思います。Mobile Monday Tokyoも新たなイベントを開催することとなりました。入場料:事前登録された方は2000円、4月26日に新しいロケーションでモバイルの未来を切り開く先駆者を二名お迎えします。先着100名様までのご招待となりますので、ご興味のある方は早めに日程を抑えてください。

井口尊仁 頓智・CEO 立命館大学文学部哲学科卒。

本多央輔 DCM プリンシパル兼日本共同代表




Mobile Monday はモバイル産業に特化した、セミナー・イベントを開催するための世界的なコミュニティとして2000年に設立されました。現在、100以上の主要都市にて、開催されており2010年度はさらに拡大しつつあります。 MoMo Tokyoは2004年9月に東京で設立され、モバイル業界を支えるテクニカルセミナーなどイベントを毎月開催しており、人とビジネスを支援するイベントをサポー...
