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As you know it's been a most difficult and challenging time for so many people in Japan, our thoughts and prayers continue for those in the most affected areas. Sincere thanks to all, here and abroad, who have reached out with kind words and offers of support during this crisis. We were prepared to announce our April event on March 14th, clearly a delay required on that plan. We are calling all tribes for get together on June 13th.
There are countless efforts underway here the last few months, and plenty of important work still lays ahead. After a fair amount of internal discussion, to consider how best to proceed in this extraordinary situation, we've decided to begin with an open-mic platform for 'flash-talk' styled presentations by those with related projects to raise awareness and support for their on-going contributions. Here are a couple of quick examples:
The Foreign Volunteers of Japan was created to engage with the energetic international network in Japan to do volunteer work in the wake of this tragedy. They are an open charity group and have been very active with aid delivery, and humanitarian relief efforts during the post-tsunami recovery of the Tohoku region. They have also kindly arranged for a Free 1st round of Murphy's in exchange for your most considerate donation. We therefore now declare that a New Murphys Law is in order!
We also note the Hack For Japan network has a super range of industry partners and do hope to have some of that team attending in order for the community to connect with. Meanwhile, there is plenty of info online for their activities to-date.
Looking at the calendar; July 11th is a Monday night and 4-month anniversary of the disaster. With this date in mind, it's our sincere hope that we can - working together - plan a significant event for that evening. Consider this an Open Call for all able and interested parties who would like to step forward to participate in any way possible. Wasurenai - Yoroshiku!
Date: Monday, 13 June 2011
Running Time: 19:00 – 23:00
Open Mic. Talks: 19:30 – 20:00
Networking: 20:00 – Close
Venue: BierVana :: GMAP
Admission: Cash Donations for CCCJ as per below
The Central Community Chest of Japan, part of the United Way worldwide network, is a fund-raising organization authorized by the Japanese government. It has been active for 64 years. The Disaster Relief Fund for Victims is a fund that delivers all the donations directly to the victims. The full amount of your donation will be delivered to the local government in each of the devastated areas. At this very moment, a large number of volunteers and NPOs are desperately supporting the victims who are trying to recover from this terrible tragedy. And, many people all over the world are supporting these efforts. These disaster relief and recovery activities will continue for a very long time. Your support will give us strength. "ARIGATO" from Japan.
皆さんがご存知のように、日本に住む多くの人々が最も困難で難しい時を経験したので、私共の祈りや思いは最大の被災地域にいる住人の上にあります。この危機の最中に親切な言葉や支援の申出をした内外の方々に心より感謝いたします。私共は3月14日に4月のイベント発表を準備していましたが、諸般の事情でこの計画は延期しました。今、Mobile Monday Tokyoは6月13日の集まりを呼びかけます。
また、私共は超一流で業界横断的なパ-トナ-シップで構成されるHack For Japan およびコミュニティ間の連携目的でそのチ-ムのいくつかが参加を希望していることをお知らせします。同時に、当組織の最新活動に関する情報がインターネットに溢れています。
時間―19:00-23:00 PM
会場―ビアバーナBierVana :: GMAP
連合方式の世界規模ネットワークの1組織であるThe Central Community Chest of Japanは日本政府が公認する資金集めの団体です。同団体には64年の歴史があります。集められた全義捐金は被災地域の各地方自体に配分されます。The Disaster Relief Fund for Victimsとは、すべての義捐金を直接的に被害者に配分するお金のことです。まさにこの瞬間にも、数多くのボランテイァやNPOが今回の恐ろしい災難から立ち上がろうとする住民を必死に支援しています。さらに、世界中の人々が被災者を支援しています。皆さんの支援が日本を強くするでしょう。日本から“ありがとう”。
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